Lenka Schulze, Ph.D.
Intuologist, Author, Educator and Spiritual Guide.
Lenka's lifelong experience, ongoing research, and ample knowledge in the area of spiritual healing, intuition and consciousness, create a solid platform from which she invites others to view and to see life from the soul’s point of view.
As a student of life, Lenka Schulze Ph.D, has been given many valuable and often challenging lessons which made her understand human nature, connection to nature as well as the oneness to the cosmic realm of the subtle energy.
Lenka consider herself a student first as the continually enjoys learning as well as she loves empowering others through her teachings. She is very
passionate to share her unique perspective to subtle energies, vibrations and frequencies and bring them down to earth in a palatable way for people to not only comprehend easily but to take this information to apply easily into their daily life.


EMAIL: lenka@lenka.org
WEBSITE: www.lenka.org

Journey Of You
West Meets East
Lenka Schulze Ph.D.

Listening To Your Inner Voice:
Intuitive Guide to Spirituality Finding the Truth in Deception
Lenka Schulze Ph.D.