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Farewell, Dr. C. Norman Shealy

Dr. C. Norman Shealy

December 4, 1932 - July 8, 2024

Lenka Schulze, Ph.D. and Dr. C. Norman Shealy

We lost the brilliantly sparkling star, Dr. C. Norman Shealy, M.D., PH.D., on July 8, 2024. Dr. Shealy was a neurosurgeon and the inventor of the TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulator), the spinal cord stimulator, and creator of new ways to approach healing in this country. Many of his students, adherents, and practitioners refer to him as the father of holistic medicine in the current era. 


I first met Dr. Shealy in Missouri, where he was offering a training program in health coaching and I did not want to miss this opportunity. Being one of his 12 health coaches that he trained, I sure felt like I was a lucky participant. He struck me as charismatic and friendly, always insisting that everyone just call him Norm - his friendliness and kindness shining in his eyes and his light was always evident, especially so when he was empowering people with knowledge about health and healing. Dr. Norman Shealy wasn't just a remarkable physician, he was a multifaceted person who possessed many skills, talents, knowledge, and wisdom. He was a true healer, a truth speaker, and a brilliant man.  

To list Norm Shealy’s lifetime contributions to today’s holistic medicine would take many pages, so I will summarize a few of his impressive accomplishments. Norm knew he wanted to be a physician from the age of 4, and entered  Duke University at age 16, and Duke Medical School at age 19. In 1966, he became chief of Neurosciences at Gundersen Clinic. He personally founded the first comprehensive pain and stress management clinic in the world. The Shealy Institute was recognized as the most cost effective and most successful pain management clinic in the US, treating over 30,000 patients with an 85% success rate!!!


Dr. Shealy went on to become the founder and first president of the American Holistic Medical Association. He founded the Ambrose and Olga Worrall Institute for Spiritual Healing, as well as the Holos Institute of Health, Inc. - a 502-C-3 organization for research and education. He holds 9 United States patents, and has over 312 publications, including over 20 books. Dr. Norman Shealy also appeared on many TV shows such as Good Morning America, The Today Show, Oprah, and many more.


Throughout his life, Norm traveled and met with acupuncturists, spiritual healers, mystics, intuitives, and color and sound therapists. He then fearlessly incorporated spiritual healing, crystal healing, past life regression, intuition, and overall energy healing into his medical practice because he wanted to spread the advantages of these methods to everyone. With beneficial and well-researched outcomes, he astutely combined the best aspects of both worlds.

Pictured Left to Right: Dr. Shealy's Copper Pyramid with Tesla Coil*, Lenka in Dr. Shealy's Crystal Room, Dr. Shealy's Sound Healing Room

I could keep writing about this incredible man and his accomplishments. But to encapsulate the importance of Dr. Norm’s work and tenacious spirit, I would say that he has paved a road of integrative holistic medicine for us to walk with confidence, ease, and trust. Perhaps by sharing with you my experiences with this remarkable man, I might spark interest in any of  these therapies and modalities for your own journey to health.

Farewell, Dr. Norman Shealy. Maybe I will see you in the next lifetime.

Lenka Schulze, Ph.D. and Dr. Norman Shealy
Lenka Schulze, Ph.D. and Dr. Norman Shealy

With Much Love and Light,

Lenka Schulze, Ph.D.

*Source: Energy Medicine by C. Norman Shealy


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