Lenka's IN-SIGHTS!
Are you seeking a strong vitality?
How about if I tell you that strong vitality lies in the
coherence of the mind, body, and spirit.
As I see the balancing of these aspects of our
being as a spiritual practice, I like to call it God’s armor.
The body experiences God’s armor through spiritual practice. The armor is created by
strong faith, strong connection to the “Field” of energy of the infinite potential.
By acknowledging, reawakening, and connecting with the web of life around us,
we are creating a strong, spiritual armor.
What is the living web of life?
It is all living things around us like trees,
plants, birds, bunnies, rivers, sun, moon, as all living life is embedded in the elements of fire, air, water, and earth.
These living elements of life are what we call nature.
And we are nature.
When we cognitively understand these simple principles, we gain a deeper
understanding of who we truly are, and how we can be part of the whole. Most
importantly, we realize that our vitality, strength, and stamina are in the connection to
the field around us. All we need to do is bring awareness to our connection to the web
of living life and plug into it, just like we would our phone into an electric socket.
How do you plug into the field of unlimited energy of living life?
There are a few simple steps:
Intention, desire, action, surrender, and the ability to receive.
With Love and Light,
Dr. Lenka Schulze
Note: Love, The Universe, God, Infinite energy, Field,Quantum Field, Chi, Universal Consciousness, are just few ways to describe in essence the same thing. The words are just words. Just pick something that resonates with you.