Intuition is often described as infinite divine intelligence. Nevertheless, many people don’t have a clear understanding of how divine intelligence is related and integrally intertwined with our human capacities. Many “see” a gap between the divine and human reality. And it is precisely the “seeing” aspect that is called into question.
What are you looking at? It’s not only about looking at things; it is actually “seeing” what you are looking at. Intuition is the language of the soul. To speak this language, we must develop an acute awareness of our bodies as well as an awareness of our surroundings. Most of the time, we tend to look at things without really “seeing” anything!
For example, you may have many friends, but only one or two of those friends actually “see” you for who you truly are.
Because these unique friends know you on a deep level, you feel completely comfortable with them knowing that they simply “see” you.
Or think of situations where a single individual has the power to either favorably or negatively alter the energy of a whole group. Even though you may be looking at the scene, do you truly “see” what is happening?
These examples underscore the communication going on underneath our everyday superficial awareness.
The area where intuition shines is in our bodies. The human body contains trillions of cells. These cells are like micro-computers, able to store, process, and transmute information in milliseconds! Thus, our bodies are more than just temples that house our spirits and souls. They function as a two-way communication hub that is in constant communication with the divine, receiving information that comes in, and just as capable of sending information back out to its surrounding environment.
We are truly the most divinely complex and intelligent computers. Our human existence holds powers beyond our comprehension!! Every second of our lives, we live in a state of transformation, constantly transmuting, creating new versions of ourselves and our reality. We are born alchemists and transformers. If you’ve ever had an opportunity to bring a smile to a sad person, that is what a transformation of energy looks like.
I ask again: What are you looking at?
If we look deeper, our awareness will allow us to “see” how our interaction with nature positively affects us. Scientists continually deliver amazing data explaining how our thoughts and emotions affect living organisms - plants, trees, and animals. I recently purchased a device that can record a sound from a living plant.
Plants “sing” different songs depending on their current state of health. For example, when thirsty or sad, a plant’s song will sound different than when it is properly watered or happy. The point I am trying to make is that we don’t need devices to hear the realm of plants or to connect to the heart of our loved ones.
Every human has superpowers, and intuition can guide us to these innate powers we possess. So, the problem is not a lack of available information or communication. In fact, many people think they are sad, angry,
or mentally sick because they lack something from the physical world to complete them. I find that that is seldom the truth. Can we entertain the idea that we might be sad, frustrated or depressed because we are not being “seen”?
We might feel lonely and empty because our souls are starving for genuine soul nourishment. The soul naturally craves the unconditional love vibration that is in the “field”. Well, the earth continuously and effortlessly emanates the frequency of Love.
All we need to do is to consciously weave our thoughts and emotions with the Earth’s love frequency!
Do you remember I mentioned that we are looking but not “seeing”?
A parallel analogy shows us living and breathing yet walking around without feelings and sensations. Personally, I feel blessed to walk often on the beach to recharge and soak in the frequency Mother Earth so generously provides. But as I look around, I often “see” people physically walking simply as a form of exercise, counting the required steps that they must accomplish that day! They are not aware of the mystical and transcendental energy around them.
Wake up from your sleep!!
Let’s all start walking with eyes wide open to fully see the beauty around us. Let’s walk into the new world that is ours to create, awake and empowered as divine, sovereign beings! Let’s welcome the infinite spiritual knowledge and wisdom available to us and fully integrate and embody that into our consciousness. That awareness is our path to intuition. Our physical body holds infinite potentiality within the cellular structure of our DNA.
Start treating your body as the temple designed by the creator.
No adjustments are necessary, you are born in God’s image. You are perfect!!
With Love and Light,
Lenka Schulze Ph.D.
The Secret Life of Plants by ; Peter Thompkins, Christopher Bird
LIFE FORCE, The Scientific Basis; by Dr. Claude Swanson