If you think about it, truth is a very interesting word.
Is it your friend's truth? Is it your doctor's truth?
Truth to me is simply one's opinion about accumulated facts at a given point in time.
Do you remember when media and medical doctors told us that cigarette smoking was beneficial, or the experts recommended to eat margarine instead of butter, because margarine was healthier? How about strong advice on eating eggs whites...the list is endless. Don't you think that the scientists and experts just had an opinion at that time based on the data they had accumulated and stated as the TRUTH?
Or maybe we have just interpreted it as the truth?
We have the right to believe in our own truth; however, we also have to remember to respect and acknowledge the truth of others.
When we disagree with our spouse, our kids, or our boss, aren't we just trying to convey our truth and discover that theirs is different?
The important question we must ask ourselves is this:
Do we understand the great power and responsibility we have when we are stating our truth to our children? We are claiming our truth in schools and educational seminars.
Even on subjects as simple as food, drink, or entertainment, our children believe everything we say and will accept it as their truth... PERIOD.
Wow...that is a lot of pressure and responsibility!
Let's say you do not like frogs, and you mention it casually in front of your child. From that moment on, that is it...your child doesn't like frogs, because their truth was just inherited from you.
What happens if you say something like that about certain food, a family member, or vacation place? When we influence our children with our truth, they are robbed of experiencing their own.
Take a rainy day; for some people it is just a lousy, sad day to stay home; for others, it is a beautiful day to walk in the rain or take the opportunity to get things done around the house.
How do you want your children to see and experience the rain?
I believe that situations or things are not just good or bad; however they are how you choose to experience them.
You may not like frogs, but your beautiful little girl loves the stories about the princess and the frog, so she decides to catch one and bring it home. Why not just observe the situation and allow her to have her own truth about frogs?
Who knows, maybe the frog will become a prince or her truth will influence your own!
Love & Light,
Lenka Schulze Ph.D.
